Please read more about the YWOLI project on the project website:

GRUNDTVIG learning partnership 2013
YOUNG WOMEN ORIENTATION FOR LABOR INTEGRATION Grundtvig partnership was thought having as goal the orientation through training of unemployed young women for professional life, to be a catalyst, offering information, inspiration and support.
The target group is represented by young women (20-30 years), who have completed their compulsory studies or who are in their last year of secondary education-case, and encounter difficulties when integrating professionally in society.
Many unsuccessful attempts to get a job make their self-esteem decrease. They often lose faith in themselves.
Our partnership will include both common and specific activities having as goal the motivation and the desire of young women to be inserted in the working field. This will assure them financial independence and consequently stability. Activities that we’ll carry out will be helpful in the process of finding a job (Internet job searching, CV writing, interview preparation). During a workshop we will discuss on the basis of concrete examples about how to transform hobbies (like painting, knitting etc.) in a source of earning money. We will also treat some strategies for starting small businesses getting inspired by the figure of some successful women.
In addition to these practical activities we’ll also conduct an intercultural study on cultural stereotypes and a comparative study about the role of women in different European societies.
In Cooperation with 9 European partners CHANCENGLEICH IN EUROPA e.V. is conducting the Grundtvig partnership YWOLI in the time period 2013 till 2015.
Romania: Association Friends of “Petru Poni” College Onesti,
Poland: Instytut Postepowania Tworczego Sp. Z O.O.,
United Kingdom: Go-Woman! Limited,
Spain: Cepa Mancomunidad del Suroeste,
Belgium: Vereniging voor Ontwikkeling en Emancipatie van Moslims,
Czech Republic: ATHENA- Association for Education and Development of Women,
Iceland: Símenntunarmidstödin á Vesturlandi,
Germany: CHANCENGLEICH in Europa e.V.,
YWOLI Kick-Off Meeting in Birmingham 17.10. - 18.10.2013

On the 17th of October was the official start of our YWOLI-project in Birmingham. The project’s subject and our aim is it to give young unemployed women a better orientation to integrate into the labor market. The partners of the project came from nine different countries and introduced themselves to each other. The two days conference was well organized and a good start for the continuing work in the future. Tasks were distributed and following meeting arranged. One of our targets will be the creation of our own homepage or trainings and workshops especially designed for our target group.