VISTA - Participatory Video and social skills for training disadvantaged adults

Grundtvig Multilateral Project
VISTA Projekt Website:
German video-project in VISTA-Project - 19:30 min. :
Runningtime: 01.11.2011 - 31.10.2013
In Cooperation with 6 European partners CHANCENGLEICH IN EUROPA e.V. is conducting the Grundtvig Multilateral Project Vista in the time period 2011 till 2013.
The aim of the project is to improve social competences and skills of disadvantaged and marginalized adults, and thus facilitate a better access to lifelong learning, society and the job market. The VISTA Method adopts the approach “participatory video” as an experiment. A group of disadvantaged adults creates its own video, in which they explore their problems, tell their stories and discuss their options and solutions. In the process they will be actors, directors and audience at the same time, and while they enhance their communication and personal skills, they also learn how to use video technology.
All the partner organizations focus on different segments of marginalized adults, our organization concentrates on adults with a migrant background.
The project will also teach the VISTA method to a group of trainers in each partner country in order to proliferate it, as well as share the films and the results of the project with the public through an extensive media campaign (analogue and digital television, internet and press).
The project is funded under the European education program Lifelong Learning / Grundtvig Multilateral. Our partners include organizations from England, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Spain. The project started in October 2011 and we have two years to achieve our goals and complete our tasks.
Italy: Centro Studie e Formazione Villa Montesca
Great Britain: Health Psychology Management Organisation Services
Lithuania: The Pubic Institution Roma Community Centre
Spain: PATER – Territorial Employment Pact in the Ribera county.
Greece: Education Center & Social Support for People with Disabilities/KEKYKAMEA ILIAS
VISTA-Project in Dortmund on 26.08.2013
CHANCENGLEICH in Europa e.V. organized a National Conference on Participatory Video in social work and in adult education on the 26th of August 2013, in the Citizens’ Hall in Dortmund Hörde.
Stakeholders of many different organizations from Dortmund’s social scene participated at our event, for example representatives of the Jobcenter and of adult education and vocational education centres. We also welcomed colleagues of social organizations and migrant organizations, and participants of our own and also of other participatory video projects.
We invited our trainer, Ms Lisa Glahn to explain the method of Participatory Video to the participants. She was also showing extracts from various film projects to demonstrate how many different ways there are to create and develop a story depending on the group we are working with.
She also interviewed a former participant of a participatory video project with anorexic young women, Ms Luca Koschke, who told us about her experience of making a film about her illness and how the process has affected her life since finishing the film.
After the premiere of our film, “Our worlds in 3 generations”, one of the leaders of our Turkish women’s group and one of our participants came in front of the screen and told us about their feelings about and experience with the film project and they answered the questions the audience asked.
The participants left the conference with new inputs and new ideas about using new and creative methods.
German video-project in VISTA-Project - 19:30 min. :