TELE Handbook published
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Please read more about the TELE project on the project website: www.tele-project.eu
The goal of the project TEACHING ENTREPRENEURSHIP - LEARNING ENTREPRENEURSHIP (TELE), which is conducted in the framework of the European educational program Erasmus+, is to motivate young unemployed adults and to support them at the development of their vocational perspectives.
The partners participating in the project work together on trying out new ways. They develop and test innovative teaching and learning methods to foster the entrepreneurial spirit, motivation and initiative, in order to support young people who habe difficulties to find their way in their vocational future.
Cooperation partners are:
PATER (Spain) - http://pater.es
Símenntunarmiðstöðin á Vesturlandi (Iceland) - www.simenntun.is
AMICII COLEGIULUI PETRU PONI (Rumania) - www.actonesti.ro
Malpils novada dome (Latvia) - www.malpils.lv