MOMA - Montessori Method for Orienting and Motivating Adults

Grundtvig Multilateral Projekt
Running time: 1.12.2012-30.11.2014 (Grundtvig Multilateral Project)
The approach of what is universally known as the ‘Montessori Method’, was experimented for the first time in the 20th Century by Maria Montessori who developed and used her Method for children living in the rural sites or in the urban poor contexts. The revolutionary idea: the educative space has to be adapted to the children`s social and personal background and not the opposite.
The MOMA project intends to enhance the experiences of adult education based on the Montessori approach that was firstly addressed to the personal development of children and to do that by revising it and "actualizing" its pedagogic scheme in order to developand improve the emotional and social skills. The target group, for which the method will be designed during this project, includes adults with a hindered access to education.
The aim is to increase the quality of life on the basis of the lifelong learning for these humans who are at risk or disadvantaged. Through innovative methods personal and social basic skills will be upgraded and the position on the labour market will be revised.
Video interview with the Montessori educators Ms. Hella Klein and Ms. Teresa Zakrzewski.
Cooperation partners
Italy: Centro Studie e Formazione Villa Montesca,
Portugal: Universidade Sénor de Évora,
UK: Health Psychology Management Organisation Services,
Rumania: Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Iasi,
Spain: Associación de Personas Participantes Ágora,
Lithuania: The Public Institution Roma Community Centre,
Germany: CHANCENGLEICH in Europa e.V.,