Everyday Racism at Workplace. How does it feel? (ERAW)
Everyday Racism In The Workplace conference highlights

Leonardo Partnership
he focus in this partnership is on the form of discrimination that sociologists have called "every day racism". We will specifically examining this form of discrimination in workplaces and suggesting what can be done to work against and reduce it. To clarify the idea of "every day racism" the definition from Philomenia Essed is helpful: "As a concept everyday racism has been useful in showing that systemic racism is reproduced largely through routine and taken-for-granted practices and procedures in everyday life.... “Although everyday racism has such an informal ring that it may sound as if it concerns relatively harmless and unproblematic events, the psychological distress due to racism on a day-to-day basis can have chronic adverse effects on mental and physical health" Our aim is to undertake a survey amongst immigrant groups where they will be asked to complete a log or a diary where they register their experience of certain forms of every day racism and how it makes them feel. After collation and evaluation of responses each country will compare findings and finally develop a paper (digital and on paper) with
- short text about hidden discrimination and outcome of the survey
- indicators of hidden discrimination at the workplace
- suggestions of improvement i.e. educational programs/training sessions.

Co-operation partners
Intercultural Iceland, Island - www.ici.is
Angus College, Großbritannien - www.angus.ac.uk
Centro di Iniziativa lÉuropa del Piemonte (CIE Piemonte) - www.ciepiemonte.it
Meeting of the partners in the ERAW project in Dortmund October 2013
During the meeting the partners from Scotland, Italy, Iceland and Germany dealt with the issue of everyday racism at the workplace. How does it feel and what can we do about it? The partners visited during the meeting the "Planerladen" in Dortmund (Non-Discrimination Agency) and the association of socio-cultural organization of migrants in Dortmund and the surrounding area. The partners are currently preparing material prior to sensitize especially in companies and are developing action-oriented solution models.