Workshop: Participatory Video empowers!

7 days Participatory Video Workshop for Trainees/Trainers
Participatory Video is a media tool with great potential to empower individuals, peer groups and communities. It can create a space for marginalized groups within a social system. The realized film becomes the mouthpiece of the participants and encourages dialogue between different social groups and thus help dissolve prejudices and stereotypes.
Participatory Video (PV) is not about just handing out some cameras and teaching some basic filming skills to participants. In fact, there are several important elements that need to be taken into account for PV to be truly empowering and participatory.
The potential and the benefits of PV don't lie primarily on the final product (the video) but on the process that have been undertaken by the participants in order to make the video. This process involves different stages of empowerment:
The group decides what message they want to work on, who they like to address the film to and what the purpose of the final video should be. The whole process of taking part in a Participatory Video project enables the participants to reflect on their respective lives and living conditions. They deal with important topics that are moving their lives.
A widespread usage of the PV-approach has the mission of advocacy. In this regard, it brings more positive messages into the world and it is a tool for conflict resolution. In any case it empowers participants, gives them a voice, makes their issues visible and opens dialogue opportunities.
It is a strong tool to empower and strengthen marginalized individuals like immigrants, prisoners, school dropouts, homeless people, refugees, unemployed young people, seniors (just to mention a few).
7 days Train the Trainers Workshop
The training is very useful for trainers and teachers who work with vulnerable groups in adult education. It is mainly a practical workshop where the trainees learn all about the different elements of Participatory Video step by step.
Participants learn how to use video equipment and to film with a smartphone
- Participants learn basics about film and editing on computer and smartphone
- Participants acquire knowledge about how PV can be applied and how to facilitate a PV project (with a variety of sample videos)
- They learn the basic tools in storytelling
- Short videos and contents are directed and filmed by participants
- Partners explore opportunities of how video messages and films can play a role in their work. They will develop a possible PV project for their target group.
- (Optional) Trainees develop and realize pilot PV projects with key groups of their work
Phase I: The workshop (7 Days)
The workshop introduces the approach and methods of Participatory Video. Theoretical introduction alternates with practical exercises.
Trainees learn how to facilitate different groups in realizing a film in a participatory and democratic way. They learn basic skills of camera usage a , filming and editing. Practical work includes making films of short duration, video messages or animation clips. An important focus lies on the development of a project idea in respect to their respective working field, which might be realized during the second phase.
The workshop is based on learning by doing with (external) inputs and at the same time it serves as a practical example of how such a workshop can be facilitated.
For those who want to apply their PV-skills immediately after the training with their target group, Phase II and III is the next step.
(Optional) Phase II: Realization (up to six months)
Participants of the training realize their PV project. Online supervising is available.
(Optional) Phase III: Experience exchange
Trainees show their videos online or at a location, there they exchange their achievements and their challenges, they discuss possibilities to support each other and further needs for capacity building.
Facilitator: Lisa Glahn, filmmaker and experienced in PV as a trainer and facilitator.
Date and place: 04.-11. July 2020 in Dortmund, Germany.
Technical equipment:
Facilitator/Trainerprovides equipment. Participants should bring their cameras they might want to use later if available as well as photo cameras, camcorders and smartphones.
The group: 12-16 participants. The presence of two representatives of the NGO or the institution is helpful in respect to install a PV- project.
Costs of the course: 500 euros
Contact: CHANCENGLEICH in Europa e.V. –