Entrepreneurial teaching as a motivational tool. Ways and methods to improve the access of disadvantaged groups to the job market, by the example of young, low-skilled unemployed

For the last 15 to 20 years there has been growing focus within the EU on enhancing entrepreneurship teaching. EU reports usually show, that the motivational effect of entrepreneurship teaching can be very high – if the teachers themselves are well motivated and have the interest and training to teach / coach in that certain context. The course aims to introduce the methods of entrepreneurship training. It is a mix of “learning by doing” and lectures about the theme. We show how this approach can be used in a very effective way to increase the motivation and creativity within the big groups of disadvantaged individuals in Europe. The situation of those groups in many European countries is alarming. The individuals within those groups often deal with low self-esteem because of school dropout or unemployment, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, depressions …etc. The trainer in the course has many years of experience in teaching entrepreneurship and has in the last years developed and given many entrepreneurship workshops to unemployed individuals and also special workshops for immigrants.
Some entrepreneurial teaching methods
In an entrepreneurship workshop, the work starts with searching for interesting ideas. But the final goal is not that the participants form their own company, even if can and has led to some new businesses.
The main benefits to participants working in the field of vocational education, adult education and youth education in the workshops are:
- Understanding of the life and work of entrepreneurs
- Insights into the world of business and the basic methods of how to start and operate an own business or non-profit project
- Techniques on how to make a good plan
- Methods on how to set personal- and business goals and how to put them in action
- Work together with creative and positive people
Work in entrepreneurship workshops is basically practical and not theoretical – it is about learning by doing with the assistance from the coach.
Day 1
Arrival. Introduction of the course program and a group dinner.
Day 2
A European problem: Groups of disadvantaged young adults that hardly participate in the Lifelong Learning process and in work life. Participants’ experiences of reaching, motivating and involving disadvantaged individuals in their educational centers and vocational trainings.
Walking-Sightseeing tour in Dortmund.
Day 3
What is an entrepreneurship workshop and how can it be used to enhance creativity and motivation in education and training. Setting goals in personal and business life. About strategic planning, business models and concepts.
Visit to a founders center in Dortmund
Day 4
Practical exercises and motivational tools. About planning a business/self-employment or project. How can we transfer the learning approach to our everyday work in adult education and vocational training. Practical work and discussions.
Visit to the former Gestapo prison “Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Steinwache Dortmund”.
Day 5
Marketing plan. Financial planning and tools. Selling ideas: Practice in giving public presentations. Feedback. How can we transfer the learning approach to our everyday work in adult education? Visit to an entrepreneur in the neighborhood.
Visit to Cologne.
Day 6
Sales techniques. Practical work in the groups. Presentations of the participants work during the week. Final discussions about the entrepreneurship workshop approach as a motivational tool. How to implement the new ideas and methods back home? Evaluation of the course.