One-week Workshop in Dortmund, Germany
13.10. - 18.10.2019
ENTREPRENEURIAL TEACHING as a motivational tool. Ways and methods for teachers, social workers, job creation workers and other professionals to improve the access of disadvantaged groups to the civil society.
Initiative, entrepreneurial skills and intercultural competences are becoming increasingly important in today's workplace. The sense of initiative and entrepreneurship is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve targets. Together with a healthy self-esteem these abilities are pre-requisites for integration into work and vocational training.
In this workshop participants work in a very similar way they may when they later offer this course to their own target groups in the home country.
Main goal of the course consists of going step by step through the techniques and lecture of building an entrepreneurship workshop. Other goals are to highlight the importance and benefits of Entrepreneurship Training and to increase motivational training competences of the course participants. The course will pay attention to the importance of dealing with diversity in learning groups and highlight the potential of diversity as a strength.
In an Entrepreneurship Workshop, we focus on each participant’s strengths, and assist them in developing and discovering the power of a creative and positive mind-set. For that reason, we put emphasis on the creative seeking, evaluating and developing of ideas that can be developed into a concept that might later lead to the establishment of a small company or a social enterprise or awaken the interest to take steps into further education, e.g. the Technical Internship Program, finish upper secondary school or start a university education.
Our experience through many years of Entrepreneurship Teaching is that participants usually develop a stronger self-esteem. The main focus is on “Learning by Doing”. For that reason, this method suits well participants who deal with multiple problems such as language problems, attention-deficit disorder, etc.
Entrepreneurial teaching and training is in our approach not primarily about methods of starting and running a new company even if we usually develop ideas that could eventually end up in the establishment of a small new company or a social enterprise.
The main purpose of this approach is to empower individuals, assist them in finding purpose in their lives and accompany them on the road of discovering their own creative power and imagination.
Participants are asked to prepare a short presentation of the situation of the target groups they deal with in their daily work (i.e. refugees, immigrants, unemployed young people, school dropouts and former prisoners, just to mention a few). Participants will get a detailed course description before arrival to the course.
Follow up
Participants will share experience with other participants via internet.
Trainer: G. Ágúst Pétursson. Dipl. Soz., Social Science from Freie Universität Berlin. Entrepreneurship Teacher and consultant in Germany and Iceland for many years.